Plant Language is a unique offering. It is NOT a course to be studied where then, at the end, one's command of theory is tested. The main thrust of Plant Language is to offer the student the most authentic and radiant essential oils that stood at the beginning of French style aromatherapy. These oils, such as real Population Lavender from Provence, Green Myrtle and Inula graveolens from Corsica allow the student to develop a relationship with these oils so the healing concepts of this form of aromatherapy become second nature. Plant Language presents different journeys or exercises which encourage the sudent to personally experience how to use Lemon oils for liver detoxification or Helichrysum to heal scars. There are journeys designed to explore the difference between EO and CO2 extracts, compare Western style prescriptions to the use of oils in Chinese medical Aromatherapy and many more, exploring everyday aromatherapy issues.