Goldenrod (Solidago virgaurea or canadiensis) is a most valuable oil for effective blends: it imparts many valuable properties while being entirely non irritant and even beneficial for the kidneys.
Contemporary Formulating
Modern aromatherapy blends always address the whole person, even when we create compositions to address specific issues. For instance, Roman Chamomile is included in a blend to treat Shingles to ameliorate the anguish many patients experience during the painful outbreak. In other words essential oils are included to reequilibrate the Autonomic Nervous System, which in turn can considerably speed up the recovery.
Todays style of creating therapeutic formulae has its origin in the principles of French Style aromatherapy. The French ideas were complimented especially in California and in some countries in South East Asia where the regulatory climate was such that interested individuals could explore a more liberal use of essential oils. This led to valuable experiences how to successfully self medicate even in somewhat challenging circumsatnces.
The trends that have evoved favor a casual use of oils including simple ingestion, simple topical application and using the oils in the shower. Special attention is paid to designing formulae which are sufficiently gentle so unwanted irritations are avoided, even when forceful oils like Cloves are part of the formula. Such blends can then be used rather liberally which often improves efficacy.
Modern Protocols are perfected by considering traditional wisdom and, if appropriate, suggestions deriving from molecular biology.
Scope of Part V
The chapters of Part V introduce in some detail todays most effective ways to treat viral, bacterial and fungal infections. It offers proven suggestions for chronic inflammationa, metabolics diseases and liver detoxification. It discusses scar treatment, psoriasis and eczema. There are suggestions for improving immune response and to ameliorate allergies. There are also suggestions for Nervous System issues and pain as well as PMS, Menopause and hormonal issues. Finally oils are suggested that help with restoring emotional balance.