Proceedings of the 6th Wholistic Aromatherapy Conference, San Francisco, April 8, 9 and 10, 2005.
Essential oils allow treatments for viral conditions for which western medicine has only limited answers.
Contributions Include:
The Knee in Room 8 - Beyond the Limits of Biomedicine - John Abramson
Love of Lavender. - K.C. Chamberlain and Martha Betz
High Dose Aromatherapy: Heroic or Appropriate? - Suzanne Catty
New Developments in Australian Essential Oils - Chris Condon
Antitumoral Properties of Benzaldehyde Containing Essential Oils - Marlene Ericksen
Phytotherapeutic Protocol for Cystitis - Mindy Green
Difficult Skin Disorders - Jimm Harrison
Animal Self Selection of Aromatic Plant Extracts and Oils - Caroline Ingraham
Essential Oils and Mind/Body: Preventing Viral Infections - Elizabeth Jones
Strengthening Immunity - Linda-Anne Kahn
Essential Oils for Animals via Human consciousness, Intuition with Experience - Barry Kapp
Aromatherapy for Animals - Wolfgang Mayer
Investigation of the Virucidal Effect of Essential Oils - Jürgen Reichling
Animals, Ayurveda, and Aromatherapy - Maryanna Sandurson ND
Can Essential Oils be Effective Against all Viruses? - Kurt Schnaubelt
Treating Male Menopause and Other Such Mysteries - Jennine Stromkins, RA
Essential Oils and Antibiotic Resistant Pathogens - Anne Vermilye
Physiological Effects of Monoterpenes - Bernhard Watzl
Aromatherapy for Healing and Transformation - Robbi Zeck
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