Proceedings of the 5th Wholistic Aromatherapy Conference, San Francisco, October 18-20, 2002.
Traditional Chinese Medicine perspectives allow approaching essential oil treatments for many serious conditions not accessible to western medicine.
Other Contributions Include:
Chinese Medicine in Western Europe - Rudolf Bauer
Essential Oil Therapy in Animals Utilizing a TCM Model - Nancy Brandt
Alberta's Essential Oil Industry - Jean Channon Simpson and Heather Kehr
Essential Oil Purity, a Reality Check - Larry Jones
The New Gene Cafe - Bill Lambrecht
Aromatic Indian Head Massage - Felicity Lawrence
The Hormone Replacement Debacle - John Lee
A Practical Guide to Vitex - Barbara Chopin Lucks
Green Housekeeping - Tom Lucks
Healings the Jade Pool - Gabriel Mojay
Ayurveda for Aromatherapists - Prashanti de Jager
Owyhee, a New Oil for Aromatherapy - Jeanne Rise
The Power of Chi - Michael Scholes
Essential Oils for Emotional Trauma - Anne Vermilye
How to Introduce Essential Oils into the Hospital - Cassandra Wang
Essential Oils and Chinese Medicine - Jeffrey C. Yuen
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